mentally deficient
Смотреть что такое "mentally deficient" в других словарях:
mentally deficient — index non compos mentis Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mentally deficient — mentally retarded, having decreased mental capacity … English contemporary dictionary
mentally deficient — /mɛntəli dəˈfɪʃənt/ (say mentuhlee duh fishuhnt) adjective characterised by subnormal intelligence …
deficient — adj Deficient, defective mean showing lack of something necessary. The words are sometimes used interchangeably though they tend to diverge in their meanings. Deficient typically implies a falling short in the amount, quantity, or force… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
deficient — I adjective attenuated, barren, below par, blemished, defective, depleted, devoid, disappointing, discontenting, empty, falling short, faulty, few, flawed, hollow, impaired, imperfect, impoverished, in arrears, inadequate, incompetent, incomplete … Law dictionary
mentally defective — mentally deficient, mentally handicapped … English contemporary dictionary
mentally retarded — Synonyms and related words: arrested, babbling, backward, blithering, burbling, crackbrained, cracked, crazy, cretinistic, cretinous, dithering, driveling, drooling, half baked, half witted, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, maundering, mentally… … Moby Thesaurus
mentally handicapped — /mɛntəli ˈhændikæpt/ (say mentuhlee handeekapt) adjective → mentally deficient …
deficient — adj. 1 (usu. foll. by in) incomplete; not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient. 2 insufficient in quantity, force, etc. 3 (in full mentally deficient) incapable of adequate social or intellectual behaviour through imperfect mental… … Useful english dictionary
deficient — deficiently, adv. /di fish euhnt/, adj. 1. lacking some element or characteristic; defective: deficient in taste. 2. insufficient; inadequate: deficient knowledge. n. 3. a person who is deficient, esp. one who is mentally defective. [1575 85; < L … Universalium
deficient — adj. VERBS ▪ be, prove ▪ become ADVERB ▪ gravely, sadly (esp. BrE), seriously, severely … Collocations dictionary